
8 to faint

I often hear people say they need to work smart in order to be the difference. Or in order to be successful… Really? As if working hard is stupid. But let’s be real. Working hard is a must folks. You’ve got to do the things most people won’t do over time (also known...

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business plans are easy. i think.

business plans are easy. i think.

I actually started Mitech about 3 months before I left my job but officially August 25 when I turned in resignation. Yes, I left the plantation for freedom… which has some relevance to me being African American. Running away from slavery was of course forbidden 200...

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54 days…. and national recognition

54 days since I resigned from Comcast Business and we’ve been featured on a National Call with Master Agency Telarus. Take a look at the quick interview below. More IT partners coming on board and many more to call > leads from networking groups. We are adding on...

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7am battle within

7am battle within

Why am I up at 7am on a Saturday morning?? The startUP biz guy in me wants to do some work. That SU guy shoots for commitment in his activity. Good for him! I, on the other hand, want to encourage him to calm down. It’s Saturday bruh! But as a mentor of mine once...

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