

Today I meet with a mentor to get feedback on the biz and our direction at the Entrepreneur Center in Nashville. In the past, one thing I’ve lacked in my business experience has been solid Mentorship and a business team. Though I made a bit of money, sold a company...

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Stop Talking…

All hard work leads to a profit… But mere talk leads only to poverty Discipline is what you do when no one is looking. Or is that Integrity? I guess they both could apply here. Let’s just get it done. Watch my numbers. #dontsleep

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Bill McCleskey Shares Panel At Fisk University

Bill McCleskey Shares Panel At Fisk University

Bill McCleskey Shares Panel At Fisk University The Nashville Black Chamber sponsored opening night I-Aspire at Fisk University’s business week in Nashville, Tennessee March 21, 2016. The event included 5 panelist to give feedback and advice on entrepreneurship as an...

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